Excursiones sin conductor en Islandia

Explore Islandia a su propio ritmo con itinerarios totalmente personalizables.

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  • 15 días
  • Tours sin conductor
  • Excursiones de Verano
  • Tours de invierno
Flores amarillas en primer plano con la cascada Seljalandsfoss del sur de Islandia al fondo.

Viaje por carretera de verano de ritmo lento de 7 días: Círculo Dorado y costa sur

  • Duración: 7 Días
  • Disponibilidad: mayo - septiembre
  • Dificultad: Fácil
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Frailecillo atlántico parado en los acantilados de Latrabjarg en los fiordos occidentales de Islandia durante el verano.

Viaje por carretera de verano de 15 días: círculo de Islandia con remotos fiordos occidentales

  • Duración: 15 Días
  • Disponibilidad: mayo - septiembre
  • Dificultad: Fácil
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Viaje por carretera al sol de medianoche: Círculo Dorado y costa sur en 5 días

  • Duración: 5 Días
  • Disponibilidad: mayo - septiembre
  • Dificultad: Fácil
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Una carretera en Islandia

Acerca de nuestros recorridos sin conductor

Tome el volante con un recorrido sin conductor en Islandia y explore las numerosas cascadas, playas de arena negra y lagunas glaciares de este país a su propio ritmo. Nos encargaremos de todos los arreglos para que solo tengas que preocuparte de qué música te gustaría escuchar en tu viaje por carretera alrededor de la isla. 

A su llegada, su vehículo de alquiler lo estará esperando en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Keflavík. Tu aventura comienza en el momento en que recoges las llaves y, pronto, conducirás hacia el paisaje volcánico de la península de Reykjanes. 

¿Te gustaría explorar estos campos de lava antes de llegar a la ciudad? ¿Qué tal relajarse en el mundialmente famoso spa geotérmico Blue Lagoon? Quizás prefieras dirigirte directamente a Reykjavík, donde disfrutarás de un buen descanso nocturno en tu habitación de hotel. Todo depende de usted.

Poco después de reservar el tour, recibirá un itinerario personal por correo electrónico con sugerencias y consejos sobre los mejores lugares para visitar aquí en Islandia. Estos itinerarios son creados por expertos locales, por lo que puede estar seguro de que su viaje está en buenas manos. Sin embargo, eres tú quien tomará la decisión final sobre a dónde ir, qué ver y cuánto tiempo pasar en cada lugar. 

Además de un itinerario personal, su Self-Drive Tour incluye alojamiento, completo con desayuno y baño privado. También se incluye un automóvil de alquiler, seguro CDW, protección contra grava y exención de daños por súper colisión. Todos los vehículos están equipados con GPS, Wi-Fi gratuito e ilimitado y servicio de emergencia en carretera las 24 horas.

Aquellos que buscan un viaje corto a Islandia no pueden hacer nada mejor que nuestros recorridos sin conductor de 5 días o incluso nuestros paquetes sin conductor de 3 días. Si, por el contrario, buscas sumergirte por completo en la naturaleza islandesa, te recomendamos nuestros tours de 10 días sin conductor, ya que te brindan el tiempo suficiente para conocer todos los rincones de nuestro país.

Excursiones de verano sin conductor en Islandia

En un paquete de visita guiada, su guía turístico tiene el control y, una vez que haya visto todas las paradas principales, regresará a su hotel.

Sin embargo, en un recorrido sin conductor, puede tomarse todo el tiempo que necesite para apreciar las atracciones islandesas. Esto es particularmente bueno en el verano, ya que tendrá el sol de medianoche brillando intensamente durante toda la noche, lo que significa que puede explorar hasta altas horas de la madrugada si lo desea.

Excursiones de invierno sin conductor en Islandia

Winter Self-Drive Tours es una opción popular para los fotógrafos, tanto profesionales como aficionados. Cuando se combina con la poca luz del sol, la escarcha, la nieve, los carámbanos y los icebergs de Islandia proporcionan los temas más hermosos para las fotografías.

El invierno en Islandia también significa que hay menos gente en las atracciones más populares, y en un recorrido sin conductor, es aún más fácil evitar las multitudes. 

Los autos en Winter Self-Drive Tours vienen equipados con neumáticos de invierno, pero si no se siente cómodo conduciendo en caminos nevados, le recomendamos que consulte un Visita guiada para grupos pequeños.

Excursiones sin conductor por la aurora boreal

Una de las mayores ventajas de Winter Self-Drive Tours es que tiene la libertad de ir a buscar la aurora boreal cuando lo desee. 

El invierno es el único momento en que puedes ver la aurora boreal en Islandia. Siempre están ahí en el cielo; es solo cuestión de verlos en condiciones ópticas. 

Los recorridos sin conductor le brindan las herramientas para hacer precisamente eso. Puede conducir por el campo hasta un lugar con cielos abiertos y ver por sí mismo las luces verdes que bailan arriba. Si bien esta es una experiencia fantástica, sin embargo, se hace aún mejor cuando se ve en la privacidad de los seres queridos. 

Lee más sobre la aurora boreal aquí.

Recorridos sin conductor por el Círculo Dorado

El Círculo Dorado es la ruta turística más popular de Islandia. Comprende tres lugares de interés principales: el Parque Nacional de Þingvellir, el área geotérmica de Geysir y la cascada de Gullfoss.

Aquellos en un recorrido sin conductor no solo pueden decidir cuánto tiempo pasar en cada uno de estos lugares, sino que también pueden extender su viaje para incluir lugares menos conocidos como Kerið Crater Lake, Faxi Waterfall y Secret Lagoon.

Lea más sobre el Círculo Dorado aquí

Preguntas frecuentes

Con un Paquete Self-Drive, tendrá la libertad de seguir su propio camino, a su propio ritmo. No está sujeto a guías ni restricciones de tiempo, lo que significa que puede pasar todo el tiempo que desee en cada atracción, empapándose del ambiente y la hermosa naturaleza.

Recogerás tu coche en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Keflavík. Un representante del alquiler de autos lo estará esperando en la sala de llegadas del aeropuerto, o abordará un servicio de transporte gratuito que lo llevará a la estación de servicio de alquiler de autos. Encontrarás más información en tu bono.

Sí, en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Keflavík podrá recoger y dejar su coche en cualquier momento.

El conductor debe tener al menos 20 años cuando se alquila un vehículo económico y 21 para vehículos de confort y lujo. Otro requisito es que el conductor debe tener una licencia de conducir válida y debe haber tenido su licencia de conducir por lo menos un año. No es necesario tener un permiso de conducir internacional, aunque es preferible. Sin embargo, la información de su licencia debe estar escrita en alfabeto latino/romano, y deberá llevarla consigo en todo momento, no una copia. Las agencias de alquiler a menudo también requieren una tarjeta de crédito a nombre del conductor.

Sí tu puedes. Póngase en contacto con su agente de viajes antes de su llegada.

Si las carreteras están cerradas o tiene algún problema en su viaje, puede comunicarse con su agente de viajes personal. Estarán disponibles para usted las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana y lo ayudarán con todos los arreglos necesarios. La disponibilidad jugará un factor a la hora de volver a reservar el hotel o los tours, por lo que puede haber cargos adicionales involucrados. Sin embargo, haremos todo lo posible para encontrar algo sin costo adicional para usted. 

Sí, sí y sí. Nos complace brindar servicios de viaje a familiares de todas las edades. Simplemente infórmele a su agente de viajes de antemano sobre la edad de su hijo y si es necesario hacer algún otro arreglo.

Sí, pero depende de la disponibilidad. Puede cambiar la fecha de su paquete Self-Drive pagando una tarifa de servicio de 5000 ISK por cada día que deba modificarse.

Sí, pero le recomendamos que reserve las actividades junto con su paquete Self-Drive para que pueda tener toda la información de su viaje en el mismo cupón.  

No, no hay edad máxima para alquilar un coche en Islandia.

¿Porque nosotros?

En Traveo, entendemos que usted no es un cliente más, sino una persona única con gustos y ambiciones específicas. Como agencia, nos distinguimos por satisfacer criterios personales, garantizando que cada uno de nuestros viajeros experimente Islandia a su manera y a su propio ritmo.

Con una fácil comparación de recorridos en el sitio y opciones de pago flexibles, reservar un recorrido en Islandia nunca ha sido más sencillo. Una vez que se confirme su recorrido con nosotros, le proporcionaremos un itinerario personalizado que describe cada paso de sus vacaciones, con espacio para la exploración, por supuesto. El servicio de atención al cliente está disponible las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana para aquellos que tengan consultas, tanto antes como durante su viaje.

Aquí en Traveo, creemos que su tiempo de vacaciones en Islandia es valioso. Afortunadamente, todos los emocionantes recorridos y excursiones enumerados en nuestro sitio son cuidadosamente seleccionados por expertos locales de Islandia, lo que garantiza que el tiempo de uno se maximice aquí con solo las mejores experiencias. 


Iceland Visitors '24
Iceland Visitors '24
2. April, 2024.
Fantastic Trip - Iceland's Ring Road Hands down, the greatest trip we have ever taken was the week our family spent in Iceland. We have traveled around the globe and none of our trips to SE Asia, Australia, Canada, Caribbean, etc. come close to what we experienced in Iceland. The majesty and diversity cannot be found anywhere else on the planet. We cannot say enough great things about working with our coordinator Omar and our tour guide, David. Omar was extremely personable and easy to work with during all phases of our trip. One of the itinerary items was a trip to the Blue Lagoon, originally scheduled to take place as soon as we landed in the morning. Unfortunately, due to the fissure volcano making a mess of things nearby, the Blue Lagoon was closed. Omar notified us before we departed from the US and had two different options for us to choose from. We ended up visiting the Secret Lagoon and had a wonderful experience. When we were in Iceland, Omar stayed in touch with us to ensure everything was going well. For reference, our itinerary included a geothermal spa, geysers, lava fields, a glacier hike, an ice cave hike, a food tour, a Northern Lights tour, shopping, waterfalls, a dairy farm (the fresh ice cream was a hit!), black sand beaches and the glacier lagoon. Our private guide, David, was such a great guide that we have been singing his praises ever since we returned home to all of our friends and family. He is extremely knowledgeable about Iceland's history and geographic features, is able to convey his knowledge in a way that is engaging, was able/willing to make ad-hoc suggestions and stops to keep us all entertained (including our 7 year old daughter), and was a delight to be around.
Jill O
Jill O
25. March, 2024.
Amazing Trip Planned by Ómar - Traveo One phone call and several emails and Ómar planned our perfect family vacation! 8 days & 7 nights filled with wonderful activities and adventures that allowed us to experience Iceland! From suggesting restaurants and hotels to planning activities, Ómar could not have been more patient and receptive! He then arranged everything & was available when we needed to adjust plans while in Iceland! Would definitely recommend Ómar & Traveo.
Albert P
Albert P
4. March, 2024.
One word for Iceland, Traveo and Holly - Awesome. One word for Iceland, Traveo and Holly - Awesome. Trip was relaxing, enjoyable. I managed to see Aurora, humpback whales etc. From my first enquiry about my plan to spend 12 days 11 night in Iceland. Holly has been working meticulously to draft and advise how I should spend my 12 days in Iceland. She is the kind of tour advisor everyone would like to engage with. As traveller/tourist I have come across lots of tour advisor. Holly is the top of the cream. She knows what suits me and the programme that she drafted not too rushed and bland. She is responsive even through email. She answers all my queries or hiccups i face during my holiday, she will reply to my email spontaneously. With her advice, I caught the Aurora from Tjornin Pond in Reykjavik for two nights. Instead joining the Aurora Hunting tours i took Holly' advice. I would say I'm lucky because with that kind of lights surround the Tjornin Pond i still manage to catch the Aurora. Keep up the good work, Holly and Traveo.
Jeanette B
Jeanette B
3. March, 2024.
Excellent! Had a great trip! We were out with our children aged 23 to 26 and Jonathan from Traveo put together the perfect holiday for us. Did, saw and enjoyed a lot!
7. February, 2024.
Super Service Traveo hat ein sehr nettes Programm zusammengestellt. Der eigentliche Plan war die Nordlichter zu sehen. Leider hatten wir Sturm und Schnee die ganze Woche. Aber dadurch wurde es ein richtiger Abenteuerurlaub. Als wir dann an einem Nachmittag durch einen Schneesturm festsaßen, weil die Ringstraße gesperrt wurde, hat uns Holly von Traveo auch spät am Abend noch eine Unterkunft besorgt. Super Service.
christina c
christina c
26. December, 2023.
Great Travel Advisors with a personal touch! Omar at Traveo was an incredible travel advisor. He responded to our initial email promptly and continued to stay in touch with us until we got back home after our trip. We met with him on Zoom to discuss the kind of things that we like to do, our desired activity level, and the most popular as well as off the beaten path things to do in Iceland. He put together a personalized trip that took away all of the worries of traveling in a foreign country. The volcano erupted while we were there and he quickly secured a reservation at Sky Lagoon for us because Blue Lagoon was closed. I would highly recommend Omar and Traveo to anyone traveling to Iceland!
Annalisa D
Annalisa D
11. December, 2023.
Wonderful winter honeymoon We ended up changing honeymoon destinations last minute and didn’t have much time to research for Iceland! We worked with holly and told her activities that we would like to do and what we envisioned and she came up with the perfect itinerary and took care of all the bookings for us. It was fantastic and everything was seamless! The timing of all the activities and travel were perfectly timed to maximize use of daylight hours! It made for a wonderful stress free honeymoon 🥰
Edward C
Edward C
11. November, 2023.
Traveo, the best self drive tour company ever!!! Her name is Holly. She is Traveo. She represents everything a travel organization should be. I contacted Traveo with only a few weeks to my desired travel time period. I explained that I wanted to take my wife for her birthday back to Iceland for a second time. The main purpose was to see the Northern Lights as this year was a 7 year cycle and the lights had been extraordinary. As that part turned out we were treated to a phenomenal light show the very last night we were there. And as an aside we drove through Grindavik and the Blue Lagoon mere hours before they closed it down. And over the roads that have buckled! Oooh, shivers!! So back to the planning for this trip . Traveo came up in a search when I looked for trip advisors. I contacted them just to see how unreasonable it would be for them to do what I did the year before. Holly contacted me right away and simply asked what did I want to do? How long and where? So I told here I had 9 days and I want to go through the Snaefellnes peninsula. Part of the Golden Circle and out to the Glacier Lagoon and Vestrahorn Mountains. In a matter of days Holly had an itinerary set up for me detailing all those places and more. Being particular I said I didn't need this place and would rather go to a different place. No problem, no questions, and the changes were made the next day. We continued over the next week detailing and getting more specific. Mind you this was before I had made a commitment to Traveo! I must admit I was flabbergasted that in a very short period of time that Holly had put together an amazing itinerary. I was impressed with everything she/Traveo presented. In a simple and elegant app you have everything you could possible need. You have at your fingertips a page for every day of your trip. Each day has your accommodations, everything in that area worth seeing, where to eat, and specific links to just click on to take you there. All the navigate links were spot on and so easy. Every hotel is detailed in offerings and breakfast was included in every one. That specifically is something everyone should be sure is included. I can't say enough about how good this app is. It was perfect in every way. Always available, included everything I could possibly want to know about my trip. My package included my rental car (always get a four wheel drive and the largest size you can afford. Be sure to get unlimited miles and the extra all inclusive insurance.) We also wanted to do a couple of side events. We asked to do the glacier snowmobile trip and the Blue Ice cave experience. A few days later Holly contacted me and explained that the snowmobile tour was canceled due to weather conditions that the company could not control. She had other multiple choices for us already and we chose the Dune Buggy Tour. Boy oh boy, this is a trip everyone should choose. Its more for extra fun than anything. We were flying across the black sand beach, up and down the side of huge dunes, splashing through rivers . And I must admit up to 60 kph. That was an incredible awesome side trip Do it!! It's Icelandic Mountain Guides at Myrdalsjokull Glacier. We also took the Blue Ice Cave tour through Trollo Expeditions at Jokulsarlon Glacier. Our guide Frikki was the best. Again, just do it. We had to change the time slot just the day before and Jonathan, also of Traveo made the change in less than an hour. Again, superb service. We traveled the whole Snaefellsnes peninsula, through the golden circle, and all the way south east to Hofn and the Vestrahorn mountains We came back through the southeast via Grindavik, the Blue lagoon and on to Keflavik. Just to name a few places on that route you will see Kirkjufell, Geysir, Gullfoss, Vestrahorn and so many other incredible waterfalls, glaciers and just plain beautiful scenery. You will see Vik and the black sand beaches and the basalt columns. iceland is treasure after treasure . Go there. There was only one bad and ugly experience. The rental car pick up was a horror show. Mind you this is out of Traveo's control. The company was supposed to have someone available at all times to help you. They have a call button but no one responds. When you get in at 4:00 am and they don't open until 6:00 am, that's a problem. When they tell you the vehicle is just outside here in this lot and it takes four people an an hour to find it, that's a problem. Needless to say , wasting three hours made me a very unhappy camper for that company. I'm not going to name them, that's not my purpose. Just beware to compare your arrival time, car place time and how to acquire your vehicle before you get there. We are used to a much different system in the US. So one thing I can say for sure, if you want to travel, do it with Traveo. They are first class, very detailed, and helpful in every way, every time. My sincerest thanks to Holly. I have a very happy wife so therefore, a very happy life!!!
31. October, 2023.
Amazing Iceland experience with Traveo itinerary My husband and I used Traveo- Omar to go to Iceland last year 2022, it was so thoughtfully booked and we had an amazing experience that we wanted to go back this year and see more of this place beauty. First of all, Iceland is a magical place with a lots of world’s wonders. From blue lagoon, hot springs, glaciers, volcanos, northern lights, waterfalls, natural ice caves, volcanic black beaches and so on. Omar put up the itinerary for us to capture the most beautiful places on the south with amazing hotels on the way to sleep in with restaurants with (oh my God) the best food in the world. We have never tried better food, even in Italy. Everywhere we went, even the sandwiches on the gas station were so delicious. Not sure how they do it. But everything tasted so well in Iceland. We would highly recommend using Traveo- ask for Omar to book your trip. He would think of everything from rental car, places to eat, rest and enjoy. Thank you Ómar for another memorable experience.
Tony K
Tony K
20. October, 2023.
18 day trip around Island in October 2023 We did a 18 day trip around Iceland in October 2023. We had a great time. All hotel bookings and the rental car were done by Traveo. Traveo booked some activities and we booked some additional activities ourselves. Due to weather conditions (snow storms) we had to change the itinerary, because some roads were closed. Traveo supported us with that by booking another Hotel 'on the fly'. We drove counterclockwise around the island, about 3800 km. Never a dull moment. In general we were rather lucky with the weather. Only at the last day we were not able to do a hike due to strong winds.

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